More triggers for Zapier integration

☑️ Completed

We use Instantly to approach with various email messages and ask about interest in the topic. When a prospect indicates interest, we send more information through Instantly, and using a tag, we directly transfer them to Gohighlevel (via Zapier integration).

We would like to have more triggers in HeyReachi to build automation based on tags. We don't want to add all the individuals who have accepted the LinkedIn connection request into the Gohighlevel sales pipeline, only those who show their interest based on the conversation on LinkedIn.

For example: Tag: Interested added in HeyReach inbox -> Zap starts: send contact information to Gohighlevel and create a new opportunity.

Jani Rantala

1 year ago

Mirjana Premchevska changed status to ☑️ Completed

9 months ago

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